My name is Adam Laycock and I am an engineering student at the University of Pennsylvania currently pursuing a BSE in Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics, as well as a minor in Engineering Entrepreneurship.
Since a young age, I have been fascinated with the physical world around me. Whether it was making intricate Hot Wheels tracks that ran throughout the entire house, or building paper airplanes that could do perfect loops and glide long distances, I was always experimenting with the principles of physics. Of course, at the time I didn't know that – I was just having fun. Fast forward to today and I am still that curious kid at heart, but now I have the privilege of discovering all of the nuances as to why my designs worked or failed. Not only that, but I am learning how to apply my acquired knowledge to complicated concepts and designs, and I am excited to engineer and innovate solutions that make a real impact on the world.
Aside from engineering, I love expanding my horizons and learning new skills. In my free time I like to play the piano, paint, cook, or be in nature – specifically surfing or hiking. Please explore the tabs at the top of the page to learn more about my engineering and art projects!